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Best IUI Center in Ahmedabad, Hospital for IUI

What is IUI?

What is IUI?"

Intra Uterine Insemination, or IUI, is one of the treatment options for infertility which involves directly injecting specially washed and concentrated semen (sperms) through cervix inside her uterus (womb) around the time she is ovulating. This procedure makes situation easier in context of time and distance travel by sperm to meet the egg to get fertilized and form embryo. In order to track the ovulation, doctors use ovulation kits or monitoring scans and pinpoint the time at which ovulation occurs, later washed semen sample is deposited into the uterus through a simple straightforward procedure.

It is quick, non-invasive and less expensive process. It is often preferred by couples before moving to IVF and other invasive process.

  • Unexplained infertility for less than 5 years
  • An ovulatory cycle, which includes irregular menstruation
  • Male sub-fertility having more than 10 million count


Who needs IUI?

  • Low sperm count and motility
  • Problem with cervical mucus
  • Difficulty having vaginal intercourse, for example, due to a physical disability or mental problem
  • Ejaculation issue
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Unexplained fertility
  • Azoospermia
  • Husbands genetic disorder or sexually transmitted disease
  • A single woman
  • Same sex couple
AIM : To Increase the Number of Sperms reaching the tubes.

IUI is most commonly used for unexplained infertility. It is also used for couples affected by mild endometriosis, problems with ovulation, mild male factor infertility, and cervical factor infertility.

What are the percentage of successful results in IUI?

Evidence based medicine suggests that, the results in case of IUI does not increase more than 18-20%.

What are the percentage of successful results in IUI?

IUI procedure should not be conducted more than 3 times or else it may affect the ovarian reserve which may eventually lead to negative outputs in case of IVF attempts. Moreover, it has been proven in medical literature than it is not cost-effective to do IUI more than 3 times as the chances of success after 3 attempts of IUI are very slim. If IUI would really help a couple conceive then the results are mostly seen in the first three attempts only. Hence it is not advisable to keep trying IUI when 3 or more attempts with IUI have already failed.


What is IUI treatment process?

Step 1a: Consultation
  • Transvaginal Sonography
  • Semen Analysis
Step 1b: Ovulatory drug starts
  • It may be in tablet form
  •  It may be in injection form (on 2nd/3rd day of menses)
Step 2a: Follicular Monitoring

Follow up visit after 7days, for vaginal sonography to see the follicle size in ovary.

Step 2b:

When follicle size reaches 18-20mm triggering of hCG injection is done to make the ovulation -Semen Collection-

Step 3:

After 36 hrs of triggering injection, husband will give the semen sample in the lab, after two days of abstinence. -Sperm preparation & insemination-

Step 4:

Semen is prepared, good sperms are collected & deposited in the uterine cavity of the partner without anesthesia It is a simple procedure

  • No Rest
  • No food restriction
  • No lifestyle deviation
Step 5:
  • After procedure female has to take prescribed medications
  • After 15 days follow up visit can confirm the pregnancy
  • Results >20%.
  • Trials > 3.

Benefits Of IUI

What Are The Benefits Of IUI?

IUI is defined as direct placement of the processed sperm into the uterine cavity at any point above the internal os.

Success Rate of IUI

Evidence based medicine suggests that, the results in case of IUI does not increase more than 18-20%.

IUI procedure should not be conducted more than 3 times or else it may affect the ovarian reserve which may eventually lead to negative outputs in case of IVF attempts. Moreover, it has been proven in medical literature than it is not cost-effective to do IUI more than 3 times as the chances of success after 3 attempts of IUI are very slim. If IUI would really help a couple conceive then the results are mostly seen in the first three attempts only. Hence it is not advisable to keep trying IUI when 3 or more attempts with IUI have already failed.

Intrauterine insemination success rates vary considerably and depend on

  • age of the woman
  • type of ovarian stimulation used (if any) duration of infertility
  • cause of infertility
  • number and quality of motile sperm other factors

Indication of IUI

  • Difficulty having vaginal intercourse, for example, due to a physical disability or mental problem
  • If the couple wants to use donor sperm
  • Male Infertility
  • Other causes such as cervical infection, endometriosis in the wife

Complication in IUI

  • The risk for complications with intrauterine insemination is very low.
  • There is minimal risk of hyperstimulation associated with the use of ovulation induction medications. However Proper technique and adequate monitoring reduce risks.
  • Multiple pregnancies with Ovulation induction and IUI.
  • Though complications of IUI are infrequent, they include infection, uterine cramping